
Project Photo
Personal Site
Built with GatsbyJS and AWS services.
Project Photo
Built with React and AWS services (Elasticache, AppSync, DynamoDB, API Gateway, EC2, etc...)
Project Photo
Built with GatsbyJS, Google Sheets, and AWS services.
Project Photo
Built with Shopify.


Project Photo
2013 - 2020
SaaS platform designed for management behavioral health practices. React, KnockoutJs, Typescript, SQL Server, C#, .net, AWS Services (RDS, DynamoDb, Elasticache, Elasticsearch)
Project Photo
2021 - present
Building real time collaborative documents and analytics platform for engineering teams. React, NodeJs, Typescript, Serverless, Websockets, AWS Services (RDS, Lambda, DynamoDb, Elasticache, ECS Fargate, Cloudfront, etc...)