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Jason Gao

So you want to know a little about me...

First thing you should know is that I love to travel, but that's not why you're here. Ever since a young age, I've always had a knack for learning quickly. Couple that with a curiosity for all things tech and this of course eventually led me to teach myself how to write software! I started out first learning PHP, because you know where else would you start besides making yourself a wordpress site. I then made my way over to Perl after taking a few courses in Bioinformatics, and along the way I picked up a few things about Java and PL/SQL as well. Most recently however, a large part of my experience is with writing Javascript for the front-end using KnockoutJs/React and back-end API development with C#/ServiceStack.

As a full stack kind of guy, I like to have a hand in just about everything. Some of my favorites include Javascript, React, C#, and dare I say even some SQL. Currently, I'm mostly interested in front-end app development using React and/or Gatsby with Typescript (I think I've also jumped on the GraphQL train). Additionally, I really do enjoy using AWS' platform services for my projects whenever possible (they just make it so easy).

I've been writing software for the past 8 years or so and I'm always looking for a new challenge. I strive to learn something new everyday from anyone and everyone!

Now on to the less important details... In my spare time I love to read, listen to audio books, play sports, watch videos (Netflix, Youtube, you name it...), and just relax at home. Most of all though, when I do get time off I travel around the world as much as I can.

See where I've been by visiting my travlog page.